How does it work?
Soul Awareness Healing works through a meditative process of gentle focused awareness where, together, the Practitioner and the Client create an environment conducive for healing and transformation to occur. While SAH Practitioners come from all walks of life, many are trained in complementary healing modalities, and they may combine a hands-on approach with the healing process, however, for healing to occur no physical contact is required.
The session begins with an invocation, which calls forth the power of the individual's soul and thereby sets a shared intention for the desired transformation and healing to occur. Sessions generally run about an hour. Because SAH Practitioners come from a variety of backgrounds, from businessmen to body workers, they often develop different ways of receiving information from their client's energetic body and soul. Some Practitioners see images or colors, while others simply track the energy with their own body occasionally checking in with their client to see what their client is noticing.
Whatever way the Practitioner accesses the soul information, the client is encouraged to stay with the sensations of their own body, their own experience and their own truth, because it is through this practice of intense internal awareness that we awaken to the healing power of the soul.
The soul's ability to transcend the limitations of time and space make phone consultations as effective as office visits. To experience the power of Soul Awareness Healing for yourself click here for a list of Practitioners that Paul has trained or call Paul at 608-246-0750608-246-0750 to schedule an
appointment in person at his office in Madison Wisconsin or over the phone. If you would like additional information you can use the form below to send Paul an email.