The Charkas are the seven primary energy centers of the body. Depending on which philosophical perspective you take, Eastern or Western, each charka is associated with some aspect of the physical, spiritual or energetic realm of the body. Although there are more than seven energy centers associated with the body, these are the most universally identified and understood sources of life force energy. To reach optimal health, these energy sources must be open channels for the life force and this is where Soul Awareness Healing comes in:
Through the process of focused awareness, Soul Awareness Healing works with the client's Charkas to identify stuck and stagnant energy. By enlisting the power of the Soul, SAH practitioners then aid the client by identifying, revitalizing, and redirecting an individual's vital energy flow for the purpose of transformation and healing.
Chakra | Color | Eastern View | Western View | |
7. Crown |
Violet | All Elements: Spirituality | Brain: Relaxation Response | |
6. Third Eye | Indigo | All Elements: Intuition | Pituitary Gland: Stress Hormones | |
5. Throat | Blue | The Ether: Self-Expression | Thyroid Gland: Metabolic Hormone | |
4. Heart | Green | Air: Compassion/Love | Heart: Circulation/Blood Pressure | |
3. Solar Plexus | Yellow | Fire: Personal Power/Life Force | Lungs: Deep Breathing | |
2. Abdomen | Orange | Water: Sexual Energy | Adrenal Glands: Stress Response | |
1. Root | Red | Earth: Security/Groundedness | Reproductive Organs: Sex Hormone |